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The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body approved by the Department for Education who is responsible for the inspection of schools in membership of the Associations of the Independent Schools Council. Inspection is for the benefit of the pupils and students, and seeks to improve the quality and effectiveness of their education and care. ISI inspects all provision in Association independent schools, including Early Years Foundation Stage. Inspection findings are presented in reliable and objective reports.
Inspection Framework
The ISI reports to the Department for Education (DoE) on the extent to which schools meet The Independent School Standards which are also set by the DoE. Our inspection during the summer term, was an Educational Quality with Focused Compliance Inspection which means that inspectors looked at the quality of education which we provide, whilst also checking a targeted section of policies and practices.
An Inspection Report makes clear statements about the school’s compliance with the regulations and, if applicable, any necessary action which must be taken to meet them. The compliance part of the inspection involves inspectors talking to staff and children about areas such as safeguarding and health and safety. There are only two gradings available in the compliance section; met or not met.
The educational quality part of the process involved inspectors assessing children’s personal development and their achievements. The standards are split into eight main parts and cover all aspects of school life including: the quality of education; the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils; the welfare, health and safety of pupils; the suitability of staff, and the quality of leadership and management. Here schools can be awarded excellent, good, satisfactory, or poor and there may also be recommendations for areas for improvement and how and where to build on good practice.
'Pupils display excellent attitudes to learning and are enthusiastically engaged in all activities. Pupils develop excellent skills and knowledge across the curriculum. They have excellent communication skills and speak confidently.'
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