
Welcome Back !

We welcome all former pupils of Newland House to join Old Newlandians Facebook Group

Old Newlandians helps connect former pupils by providing a communication channel and maintaining a relationship with the school. Past staff and governors are also welcome to join.

By joining, we can share the latest news and achievements at the school as well as your personal news stories. Our Old Newlandians page is in its infancy but with time we hope to plan some specific events for former pupils.

Please do help us develop our alumni by passing a link to this page to any former pupils who you are currently in touch with.

In addition, we welcome your support to help enhance the school learning environment via sharing expertise or through direct financial support. We would also gratefully receive personal biographies or old photographs that you may wish to share.

Past pupils of Twickenham Grammar School, which was previously based alongside Newland House School premises are invited to visit their Alumni Website