Transport Service

The School operates three daily bus services to support busy and working parents. These services are operated using our own vehicles and drivers. The pick-up points and timings may vary from year to year, depending on who is using the service and it may be possible to add an extra stop if there is sufficient demand.

Pupils can be booked onto the bus for one or more journeys each week at a cost of £5 per journey.  The pricing below relates to all bookings for the 2023/24 academic year onwards.

On arrival at school children will wait in Breakfast Club until morning registration. If you wish your child to have breakfast whilst waiting this is available at an additional cost and must be pre-booked. Breakfast is offered at the reduced rate of £2 per day.


Single Journey Morning Only or Afternoon Only

Trips per Week Weekly Cost Sibling Cost
1 £5 £4
2 £10 £8
3 £15 £12
4 £20 £16
5 £25 £20
Daily Return Journey
Return Trips per Week Weekly Cost Sibling Cost
1 £10 £8
2 £20 £16
3 £30 £24
4 £40 £32
5 £50 £40

Bookings are made termly, and parents will be charged in arrears. Preference will be given to those who wish to use the service every day and parents need to commit to using the bus for the same journey each week. The bus cannot be used on an ad hoc basis

Children who already take the bus can make additional journeys if there is availability, and these will be charged at the daily rate. We are unable to offer refunds for unused journeys.

Children who go on the school bus are escorted to the Prep Dining hall at 3.50pm. If your child is booked to travel on the bus, then please ensure that you contact reception if your child is not going to use this service. 

The cost is reviewed annually, and any increase is applied at the start of the academic year in September. Existing bookings will roll over to the next term, unless cancelled. If you wish to cancel your son/daughter’s bus place or make a new bus booking, please email

School Bus Timetable