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Newland House is an independent Prep school for children from 3 to 13 years old. Our location, along the Teddington and Twickenham border, is a wonderful place to live, full of like-minded young families who enjoy the activities and sense of community that the area has to offer.
The school has an energetic but caring character and offers an original blend of tradition, innovation and opportunity, but it is our authenticity which gives pupils a real sense of self belief and quickly helps new pupils to feel like they belong. This community atmosphere is very special and it is never more evident than when we welcome new pupils to the school.
Our admissions process provides a unique bridge between prospective parents and the school and we aim to ensure that your very first interaction with the school is a positive, warm and straightforward experience. We are happy to discuss your child's specific circumstances or requirements and your immediate and long-term aspirations for your child.
Admission to our Nursery (age 3) and Reception (age 4) is non-selective . We also sometimes have occasional vacancies across other age groups and places are offered subject to availability and assessment.
There is so much to be gained from visiting the school. We host Welcome Mornings every month and bespoke visits most mornings during term time. Do get in touch! | 020 8865 1305
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